The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research and NSS unit (NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) in association with TKM Engineering College and their NSS unit organized oral screening camp on 9/10/2024.
The Oral Screening camp was inaugurated by Dr Resmi R Assistant Professor and Program Officer, NSS unit of TKM Engineering College. The oral screening camp started at 10am and concluded at 1.30pm.A total number of 125 students was screened. A total of 38 were referred for oral prophylaxis, 24 were for orthodontic treatment and 45 of them for restoration for further treatment. A total of 107 students were referred to Azeezia Dental College. All the students were demonstrated with a proper brushing technique as well as flossing technique as well as basic oral hygiene procedures.