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The overall aim of National Service Scheme (NSS) is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums.

The new Self Financing NSS Unit has been sanctioned to Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research (NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) w.e.f 01.01.2022. About 50 students both second and third year BDS graduates have enrolled on 28.2.2022 with a remit fee of Rs 30 each to the University, through University website/portal. The program officer for the NSS is Dr Naveen Jacob Varghese, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research. The NSS will be conducting various activities, observing health days, camps etc. The NSS has also adopted a village near by the College (Velichikala, ward 10)in which they will be conducting various activities, school camps and health education programs. A monthly report(programs conducted) starting from 16th of a month to 16th of the next month will be prepared and will be send to the University NSS cell.