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Teaching Learning

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Well-equipped spacious seminar halls , with latest audio-visual aids like LCD projectors, white boards, internet connectivity for conducting seminars and workshops thus providing the best quality of learning experience.

Wi-Fi enabled campus connecting library and all the departments. Scanners, Printers and other accessories are available.

Regular webinars/ journal clubs are conducted.

Following Covid-19 pandemic, we also have means for online teaching. Online classes were taken using a variety of platforms including Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams.

We have an online classroom system for assignments and lessons. We use the Moodle – LMS (Learning Management System) accessible via mobile and computer.

Digital e-content provided to all students include:

  1. Lecture Powerpoint presentations. All lectures are available to the students throughout their course and accessible at any time including prior to the lecture being presented.
  2. Videos
  3. Syllabus
  4. Past Question Papers

We have Whatsapp groups for each batch to facilitate communication. Students can post their doubts. Staff can post announcements.