An Oral screening and Health education camp was conducted by Department of Public health Dentistry, Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research and NSS unit(NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) in association with Scilore Central School , Chathanoor,Kollam on 08/02/2025 and 10/02/2025. The camp started with an inauguration. The welcome address was given by Mr Kishore Kumar, Principal, Scilore Central School, felicitation was given by Vice Principal and the details regarding the oral screening camp was given by Dr Aarathi Vijayan, Professor and HOD, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Azeezia Dental College. The health education was given to students of standard 1 to 12 th by Dr Jeenu, Department of Orthodontics, Azeezia Dental College. She explained in detail about the importance of oral health, different oral diseases and its prevention and oral hygiene measures. Also the proper brushing technique (Fones technique) for children was demonstrated to students with the help of a model. On the first day (8.2.25) a total of 112 students and parents were screened. On the second day(10.2.2025), 126 students including students and parents were screened. A total of 238 students and parents were screened and 169 patients were referred to Azeezia
Dental College for further treatment. Out of these, 4 patients were referred for Orthodontic
treatment;9 patients werereferred for Restoration; 8 patients were referred for Oral Prophylaxis; 2 patients were referred for Prosthetic rehabilitation; 146 patients were referred to Pedodontics. The oral screening camp concluded at 1.00 pm.