REPORT ON THE SEMINARAASTHA- AWARENESSCLASS ON DRUG ABUSE The Department of Public Health Dentistry of Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Researchin association with NSS unit(NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) organized a seminar on “AASTHA-Awareness on drug abuse” on 19th of September 2023, Tuesday between 12 pm to 1 pm. Theseminar was conducted by Mr.Rajesh, Assistant Excise Commissioner, Kollam.Mr.Jawahar… Continue reading AWARENESS CLASS ON DRUG ABUSE ON 19.9.2023
Report of National Nutrition Week 2023 As a part of National Nutrition week, September 1 to 7 2023, Department of Public Health Dentistry conducted a webinar on the topic “Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle” on September 8th from 07:00 to 08:00 pm through zoom platform, and on September 13th, an inter department cooking competition was conducted… Continue reading NATIONAL NUTRITION WEEK SEP 1-7 2023
In The Department of Implantology , 3shape ORAL SCANNER was Inaugurated by Director Dr.Midhulaj Azeez on 13th September 2023 at 12 :30p.m
Oral screening and Health education at Kunnikode Govt school, Kunnikode, KollamDate 12.9.2023
REPORT OF INDEPENDENCE DAY 2023 Independence day commemorates the nation’s independence from the British Empire on 15 thAugust 1947, the day when the provision of the Indian Independence Act , which transferredLegislative sovereignity to the Indian constituent Assembly came into effect. The 77 thIndependence Day was celebrated based on the theme “ Nation First ,… Continue reading INDENDENCE DAY CELEBERATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH NSS UNIT , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY , AZEEZIA DENTAL COLLEGE AND AZEEZIA MEDICAL COLLEGE ON 15.8.2023