REPORT ON SEMINAR CONDUCTED ON INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2023 Every year International yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 worldwide. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about the numerous benefits of yoga and promote the holistic approach to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The yoga program was organized by the Department of Public… Continue reading INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY JUNE 21 2023
REPORT OF NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY DAY Every year19th June is celebrated as National Public Health Dentistry day. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of oral health among the public. The theme for this year 2023 is “Empowering Leaders to shape the future of Dental Public Health”. The Department of Public… Continue reading NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY DAY JUNE 19 2023
Oral Screening Camp and Health Education at Service Sahakarana Bank, Channapetta Kollam on 8.6.2023
REPORT OF WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY- 2023 The Department of Public Health Dentistry and NSS unit(NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) of AzeeziaCollege of Dental Sciences and Research on June 5 th 2023 organised several programs tocelebrate World environment day. The vice principal along with faculty members and studentsparticipated in the program.The aim behind organising the program were to give awareness… Continue reading REPORT OF WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY- 2023
AZEEZIA HEALTH PLUS AT CHANTHAMUKKU ,KOTTARAKARA WAS INAUGURATION BY OUR CHAIRMAN, SHRI ABDHUL AZEEZ ON 13.05.2023 THE Facilities available : Comprehensive Dental Care Skin Care and Cosmetology Gynaecology