World AIDS Day – Dept of Public Health Dentistry

Children’s Day Week was celebrated by The Dept of Pedodontics from 11.11.19 to 16.11.19. Various programs like puzzle solving, coloring contest, ring throw, memory test, missying letters and pinning a flower to chachajis pocket were organized. On the first day, a dental exhibition was held with the Dept of Public Health Dentistry. The program was inaugurated by Director… Continue reading Children’s Day Week – Dept of Pedodontics
The Management, Faculty and Students of the Azeezia Dental College and Research Center congratulate the winners of the All Kerala Interdental Sports Fest, KURUKSHETRA, held at Trivandrum Dental College. The volley ball team (Team members -Samanth, Shefin, Dr Salman, Nidhin, Kannan, Abdu, Firosh, Faiz, Ameen, Dr Jaseem, Abhiram, Rajiv and Dr Vasih) bagged the first prize… Continue reading KURUKSHETRA