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Oral Medicine and Radiology Department was inaugurated by Mr Abdul Azeez

Natioanal Cancer Awareness Day

Natioanal Cancer Awareness Day

On Nov. 7th, Natioanal Cancer Awareness Day, a two-day Cancer Awareness class organized by the Quilon Social Service Society in association with the Dept. of Oral Pathology and Dept. of QSS Society Hall at the “SAVE A FAMILY” plan. The program was inaugurated by Deputy Mayor Smt Vijaya Francis on the first day and the second… Continue reading Natioanal Cancer Awareness Day

Oral Health Awareness Program

Oral Health Awareness Program

The National School of Scouts and Guides of the CHSS School of Oral Health Awareness Program with the Association of Public Health Dentistry. The program was inaugurated by Panchayath President MK Sreekumar. A talk was given by Dr Aarathi vijayan. School Principal J Muraleedharan, Headmistress Sreekala, Scout Master S Satheesh, Post Graduate Students and House were present for… Continue reading Oral Health Awareness Program

Cancer screening and awareness program

Cancer screening and awareness program

Cancer screening and awareness program

A cancer screening and awareness program was conducted by the IAOMP and the Quilon Social Service Society in association with the Azeezia Dental and Medical College at the QSS Hall of Fame. The event was inaugurated by Mayor Rajendrababu. Dr Radhakrishnan Nair, Dr Rethy, Father Alphonse and Father Joe Antony talk about early detection of cancer. Awareness class… Continue reading Cancer screening and awareness program

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day