As a part of International Yoga Day on 21st June 2024, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Azeezia College of Dental Science and Research and NSS (NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) conducted an interactive seminar on the topic “Yoga is not only an exercise, it is beyond that ” by one of the best yoga trainer – Mr Abhilash Soman at 11am on 20th June 2024. He is a registered Yoga teacher currently teaching yoga in Avadhuta School of Yoga. He has a MBA in Human Resource from Bharatyar University, Diploma in Yoga form Sivananda International. The theme for Yoga day 2024 is:”Yoga for Women Empowerment”.
The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility. This session started with Dr Naveen JacobVarghese, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry and NSS programme officer of Azeezia Dental college by introducing the speaker.
The speaker explained about how he got interested in Yoga. It made us understand how Yoga can bring happiness and good health. Then he introduced us to the concept of Chakras-energy centers. It is believed that there are at least 114 chakras in the body. He explained about 7 main chakras, each in a specific location along the spine. They are Root chakra, Sacral chakras, Solar plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra, and crown chakra. Root chakra or “Muladhra” located at the base of spineis responsible for sense of security and stability. The Sacral chakra or “Svadhisthana” located just below the navel, as linked to emotions. The solar plexus chakra or “Manipura” located is stomach area, responsible for confidence and self- esteem. The Heart chakra or “Andhate” is located near the heart and it is all about the ability to love and show compassion. The throat chakra or “Vishuddha” is located in throat and responsible for the ability to communicate. The third eye chakra or “Ajna” is located between the eyes, and is responsible for intusion. Lastly, the crown chakra or “Sahasrara” which is located in the top of your head represents the spiritual connection with universe.
If any one of the chakras low in energy, there will be difficulty in expressing the particular qualities associated with that chakra. He taught as few breathing exercises to relax our mind. He taught us that deep, slow breathing causes the breath rate to go down and send signals to the brain to relax. It also plays an important role in improving concentration. Then we had an interactive section where we cleared many of our doubts regarding yoga. It was an interesting and informative session. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Sneha, Intern,Azeezia Dental College. Then we were joined by Principal Dr.Radhakrishnan Nair, Vice Principal Dr.Rathy .R and the HOD of Department of Public Heath Dentistry Dr.Aarathi Vijayan and ,Reader Dr.Saira Siraj E .This was concluded by a photo session.
“Yoga is not just about exercise, it way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.”