The Department of Public Health Dentistry of Azeezia Dental College, Kollam organized an awareness programme on Anti-Drug Campaign on May 17, 2023. The awareness programme focused on impact and management of drug abuse. The program started at 10am with the welcome address by Dr.Aarathi Vijayan, Head of the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The dignitaries on dias were Dr Radhakrishnan, Principal and HOD of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dr Rathy, Vice-Principal and HOD of Oral Pathology, Mr Rineesh Antony, Programme coordinator, Caritas India, QSSS, Mr Suresh Richard, former Deputy Excise Commissioner.
The key note address was given by Mr Rineesh Antony, Programme Coordinator, Caritas India, QSSS, who actively represents ‘Sajeevam’ an anti-drug abuse campaign launched in Kerala. The campaign aims to create awareness, strengthen community resilience through church networks to restore the physical, mental, economic and social functioning of the families affected by drug abuse.He also focused on empowering teenagers to say ‘no’ to substance abuse, to rehabilitate the affected and addicted teenagers and to communicate and disseminate information for creating a safe and healthy environment for teenagers and young adults.
Later the seminar was taken over by Mr Suresh Richard, former Deputy Excise Commissioner. He emphasized two aspects to prevent drug abuse- stop the supply chain, where sales, storage, transport and manufacturing can be meticulously watched and can be terminated with the support of Police Department. The second aspect is Demand, there is a huge demand increase cutting across all the sectors of society, which has to be curtailed through a series of interventions. This session was even more interesting when he shared some of his daily experiences of being an Excise Officer.
The session got even more interactive when the interns of QSSS conducted some group activities among the participated students. After the session, as a token of gratitude, momentos were presented to Mr Suresh Richard and Mr Rineesh Antony by Dr Radhakrishnan and Dr Rathy respectively.The programme concluded around 12pm with the vote of thanks given by Fousiya B, class representative of Third year BDS of Azeezia Dental Colleges, Kollam.