A Webinar on “Nutrition and healthy life style” was organized by the Department of
Public Health Dentistry and NSS unit [NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3] ON 15 TH January 2024
in commemoration of National Youth Week (January 12-16 2024) at 6.00pm to7.00pm
via Zoom platform.
The objective of the webinar was to provide detailed knowledge to the students (interns
and final year students) of Azeezia College of Dental Science and Research regarding the
various aspects of maintaining ‘vita bona’ or good life by rekindling about the
importance of a healthy diet and exercise and persuade the students to follow it.
The Resource person for the webinar was Mr.Ragesh Madhavan, Chairman RGM
wellness, member INMA, Fellowship in Nutrition and Environmental Medicine (FINEM
INDIA), Vitamin C therapy and Chelation therapy (ACNEM AUSTRALIA),Nutrition
therapy (NIH CALIFORNIA). The welcome address was given by Dr. Naveen Jacob
Varghese, Senior lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Azeezia College of
Dental Science and Research.
The resource person highlighted the importance of making changes in nutritional habits
to improve our health which aids in maintaining a healthy body and mind. He also
emphasized that healthy habits and consumption of essential nutrients can reduce the risk
of various diseases to an extent. The food we intake greatly affect the physical and mental
health of a person. Water is the elixir of life. It acts as a fuel for the nourishment of
building blocks of the body and helps to restore fluid loss through metabolism. He also
gave a gist about the ‘dangerous white substances’ that in the long run can compromise
health and thereby the standard of living. This includes sugar, which is considered as
white poison as it causes threat to the cardiovascular system. He also encouraged the
students to have a balanced diet and maintain a disciplined life that includes exercises,
yoga and body rejuvenating activities. The webinar as a whole instilled a sense of
wellness and motivated the students to maintain a healthy life.
All the faculties, Interns and Final year students actively participated in the webinar. A
total of 106 participants attended the webinar. The queries of the participants were
classified at the end of the webinar. The program concluded by vote of thanks by Dr.
Naveen Jacob Varghese.