Role of dentist in palliative care

A live webinar on the topic‘ insights and concepts in non pharmacological behaviour shaping and management in pediatric dental practice‘ was conducted by the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry of Azeezia college of dental sciences and research on 17th May 2021from 7pm to 9pm for under graduates The guest speaker was Dr Arun M Xavier,… Continue reading LIVE WEBINAR ON INSIGHTS AND CONCEPTS IN NON PHARMACOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR SHAPING AND MANAGEMENT IN PEDIATRIC DENTAL PRACTICE.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination – Orientation lecture May 11. 2021 Background: The end of training in a healthcare profession expects the candidates to be proficient in executing the desired clinical competency required for adequate patient care. Errors in making these judgements could place patients significantly at risk. Are we making these judgments correctly? Objective Structured Clinical… Continue reading OSCE
As part of faculty enrichment program training session on OSCE was conducted for faculties by Dr.Yeshaswini.T ,Professor and Head ,dept Oral & maxillofacial surgery on 11th May 2021 under the aegis of Dental Education Unit.The session was inaugurated by principal Dr.Radhakrishnan .K.The session was well attended by the teaching faculties.
CDE on Biomechanic of TMJ was conducted by department of prosthodontics on 26th April 2021 from 9a.m at Azeezia college of dental sciences and research.The program was inaugurated by principal Dr.Radhakrishnan Nair.The resource person was Dr.Mohankumar .postgraduates,interns and faculties attended the program.