World Aids Day

An online live Webinar was organized by the Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology on 21-12-2020. The Resource Faculty Dr. T.N. Uma Maheshwari, Prof and Head of Admin Dept. of OMR, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals gave a lecture on “Systematic Review- A key to evidence-based research”. Dr Radhakrishnan Nair; Principal inaugurated the webinar.Dr.Nandakumar.K,Dean felicitated… Continue reading systematic review-A key to evidence based research
Title 1 Title 2 Text 1 Text 2 More text goes h Department of Oral MEDICINE and Radiology organized a week programme commemorating WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2021 with the theme “BE PROUD OF YOUR MOUTH.” On this occasion a photo contest was conducted for the students with the topic importance and maintenance… Continue reading WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2021
To mark WORLD Head and Neck Cancer Day, 27 th July Dept. Of Oral Medicine and Radiology organized a webinaron the topic “SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF ORAL CANCER AND PRE-CANCERS” . Dr. Deepthi Simon, MDS, DNB (OMFS); Associate Professor, Govt.Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram ;the resource faculty emphasized on the various surgical management techniques of oral cancer and… Continue reading WORLD HEAD AND NECK CANCER DAY, JULY 2020
Owing to the non availability of hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 pandemic, the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology took an initiative to prepare hand sanitizer as per WHO guidelines for the health professionals. The hand sanitizer was handed over to the health worker by the Principal, Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair , Azeezia College of Dental… Continue reading Distribution of Hand sanitizer
The department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research hosted the second annual Rapid Review Programme “Apex 2020”conducted by CAESOK on the 2 nd February 2020,at the college premises. The programme was meticulously carved out with the objective of equipping the Post Graduate students for the forthcoming university examinations.… Continue reading APEX 2020