Objectives of the Committee
Objectives of the Committee
SERVING HEALTHY SMILEDepartment of Oral Medicine and Radiology and Department of PublicHealth Dentistry of Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Researchconducted a camp together with Council of Dental Health Program on‘Drug related oral mucosal lesions in school children’ at St. Vincent’sEnglish Medium School, Kaniyapuram on 14 th October 2022. Oralscreening was done on 334 students… Continue reading SERVING HEALTHY SMILE
International day against drug abuse rally organised by DMO, Kollam. Flag off by Merin Joseph IPS in presence of Dr Sajan Mathew Deputy DMO, Kollam. Students and Faculties from ACDSR participated in the Rally.
ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Orientation class for the interns was conducted on 18th October 2022 from 2pm to 3pm in Hall.No.1 at Azeezia Dental College. Dr.Radhakrishnan Nair K, Principal addressed the interns and enlightened them on the internship programs and also the opportunities of BDS Graduates. Dean Dr. Nandakumar K gave an overview of Future of… Continue reading ORIENTATION PROGRAMME
Anti-Ragging Awareness Programme was conducted for I & II BDS students on 29th September 2022 at Azeezia Dental College Auditorium from 9.30 am to 11.00 am. The Principal Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair welcomed the gathering. Dr. Aseem H , DCI Member inaugurated the Programme. Dr. Aseem H had an interactive session with Anti Ragging Committee… Continue reading ANTI-RAGGING AWARENESS PROGRAMME
Fresher’s Day for the 17 th Batch BDS was conducted in the month of June.The main motto was to introduce the New Future Doctors To Be to the AzeezianCampus; and to know and to bond with each of the new individual, so that they couldblend into the beginning of their new life journey with Azeezia.… Continue reading FRESHER’S DAY
This year as a part of National Doctor’s Day, a dental screening camp and health talk was taken at Vimala Hridaya Special School, Pazhayattinkuzhy, by the Department of Public Health Dentistry, NSS unit (NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) and Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry of Azeezia College of Dental Sciences & Research. The screening was started by 10:00… Continue reading REPORT ON NATIONAL DOCTOR’S DAY 2022
June 26 is observed as international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking as an expressionof its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of society free ofdrug abuse.June 25 2022 is honored as International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking bydepartment of public health dentistry and NSS unit (NSS/SFU/KLM/KUHS/3) of… Continue reading REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT TRAFICKING
REPORT OF INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY,2022 The international yoga day is celebrated on 21st June since 2015 to bring peace, harmony, happiness and success to every soul in the world. The date was assigned for the occasion as it is the longest day when the sun is out at it most compared to every other day… Continue reading REPORT OF INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY,2022
As a part of world blood donor’s day the Department of Public Health Dentistryand National Service Scheme unit (NSS/SFU/ KLM /KUHS/3) of Azeezia DentalCollege organized a visit the college blood bank on 16 th June. The NSS volunteersand final year students of PHD attended the visit. The students were introduced todifferent equipments and procedures done… Continue reading REPORT OF WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY