Triple O kerala State conference 2021
Scientific session

Triple O kerala State conference 2021
TRIPLE – O CONFERENCE The 4th state conference of Triple ‘O Kerala chapter was held on November 25th,26th and 27th 2021 on a virtual platform hosted by the Azeezia College Of Dental Sciences, Meyannoor, Kollam. This three day conference was jointly organized by the departments of Oral Medicine and radiology, Oral and maxillofacial pathology &… Continue reading Inaugural function of Triple O kerala State conference 2021
webinar on Research Grant writing was conducted by department of oral pathology & microbiology on 30th July 2021 at 2p.m .The resource person was Dr .Kirthiga.M ,Early Career Fellow,senior Lecturer,wellcome Trust(UK)/DBT India Alliance,SriRamachdra faculty of Dental Sciences,Chennai.The webinar was well attended by the faculties and postgraduates of our institution.
Webinar on forensic odontology was conducted by department of oral pathology µbiology on 26th June 2021 from 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m.The resource person were Dr.Ashith Acharya and Dr.Sudheer Balla, renowed forensic odontologists.The webinar was inaugurated by Dr.Radhakrishnan Nair.Moderators were Dr.R.Rathy,Vice principal,Professor and head and Dr.Jayanthi.P,professor.About 230 participants attended the webinar.
Alive webinar on the topic‘ insights and concepts in non pharmacological behaviour shaping and management in pediatric dental practice‘ was conducted by the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry of Azeezia college of dental sciences and research on 17th May 2021from 7pm to 9pm. The guest speaker was Dr Arun M Xavier, Department of pedodontics… Continue reading CDE pedodontics
training program on infection control practices for nursing assisstant conducted by Dr.Yeshaswini.T on 8th JUNE 2021 at Azeezia dental college Hall no.1 .pre & post session evaluation with the aid of structured questionnaire and feedback of the programme was obtained from the participants.
The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research conducted training session for dental assisstant on the topic ” Dental Instruments & Chair side Assistance” on the 24 th May 2021 at the college premises. The lecture was conducted by Dr Nisha B Kurup.The programme was meticulously carved out… Continue reading Training program-Dental Instruments & Chair side Assistance
Dept. Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, observed World No Tobacco Day, May 2021 by organizing webinars with a pledge ceremony and social media campaign. The distinguished speakers on the occasion were Dr. R Jayakrishnan, Associate Professor RCC and Dr. T N Uma Maheshwari, Prof., Saveeta Dental College Chennai who highlighted ‘‘Tobacco control: challenges and… Continue reading WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY 2021
The Dept of Public Health Dentistry observed World No Tobacco day by organising various events in the college and community. An interbatch slogan competition was conducted for students. Pamphlets were distributed to create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and Health education was given to migrant workers in the campus