- 1.1.1 Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee
- 1.1.1 Any other relevant information
- 1.3.1 List of courses with their description
- 1.3.1 Any other relevant information
- 1.4.1 URL for Feedback Report
- 1.4.2 URL for Stakeholder feedback report
- 2.2.3 Appropriate documentary evidence
- 2.2.3 Any other relevant information
- 2.3.3 Details of ICT enabled tools (including LMS)
- 2.3.3 List of teachers using ICT enabled tools(including LMS)
- 2.3.3 Webpage describing the “LMS/Academic Management system”
- 2.3.3 Any other relevant information
- 2.3.5 Appropriate documentary evidence
- 2.3.5 Any other relevant information
- 2.5.1 Academic Calendar
- 2.5.1 Dates of conduct of Internal Assessment examination
- 2.5.1 Any other relevant information
- 2.5.3 Information on examination reforms
- 2.5.3 Any other relevant information
- 2.6.1 Relevant documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes
- 2.6.1 Methods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes
- 2.6.1 Upload Course Outcomes for all courses(exemplars from Glossary)
- 2.6.1 Any other relevant information
- 2.6.3 Programme specific learning outcomes
- 2.6.3 Any other relevant information
- 2.6.4 Proceedings of parent-teacher meeting held during the year
- 2.6.4 Follow up reports on the action taken and outcome analysis
- 2.6.4 Any other relevant information
- 3.1.3 Link for funding agencies websites
- 3.2.1 Details of the facilities and innovations made
- 3.2.1 Any other relevant information
- 3.4.3 List of awards for extension activities in the year
- 3.4.3 E-copies of the award letters
- 3.4.3 Any other relevant information
- 3.4.4 Details of institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community during the year
- 3.4.4 Any other relevant information
- 3.5.1 Links for collaborative works
- List for collaborative clinical postings
- 3.5.2 list of MoUs
- 4.1.1 List of available teaching-learning facilities such as Classrooms ,laboratories,ICT enabled facilities including Teleconference facilities etc.,mentioned above
- 4.1.1 Geo-tagged photographs
- 4.1.1 Any other relevant information
- 4.1.2 List of available sports and cultural facilities
- 4.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs
- 4.1.2 Any other relevant information
- 4.1.3 Photographs/geo-tagged of campus facilities
- 4.1.3 Any other relevant information
- 4.2.1 The facilities as per the stipulations of the respective regulatory bodies with geo-tagging.
- 4.2.1 The list of facilities available for patient care ,teaching-learning and research.
- 4.2.1 Any other relevant information
- 4.2.2 Link to hospital records/Hospital Management information system
- 4.3.1 Geo-tagged photographs of library facilities
- 4.3.1 Any other relevant information
- 4.3.2 Data on acquisition of books/journals/Manuscripts/ancient books etc. in the library
- 4.3.2 Geotaggged photographs of library ambience
- 4.3.2 Any other relevant information
- 4.3.5 Details of library usage by teachers and students
- 4.3.5 Any other relevant information
- 4.4.2 Documents related to updation of IT and Wifi facilities
- 4.4.2 Any other relevant information
- 4.5.2 Minutes of the meeting of the Maintenance committee
- 4.5.2 Logbook or other records regarding maintenance works.
- 4.5.2 Any other relevant information
- 5.1.2 Link to institutional website
- 5.1.3 Institutional website ,weblink to particular program /scheme mentioned in the metric
- 5.1.4 For international student cell
- 5.1.4 Any other relevant information
- 5.1.5 Circular/weblink/committee report justifying the objective of the metric
- 5.3.2 Report on the student council activities
- 5.3.2 Any other relevant information
- 5.4.1 Registration of Alumni association
- 5.4.1 Details of Alumni association activities
- 5.4.1 Frequency of meetings of alumni association with minutes
- 5.4.1 Quantum of financial contribution
- 5.4.1 Audited statement of accounts of the Alumni association
- 6.1.1 Vision and Mission documents approved by the college bodies
- 6.1.1 Achievements which led to institutional excellence
- 6.1.1 Any other relevant information
- 6.1.2 Relevant information documents
- 6.1.2 Any other relevant information
- 6.2.1 Minutes of the college council/other relevant bodies for deployment /deliverables of the strategic plan.
- 6.2.1 Any other relevant information
- 6.2.1 Organisational structure
- 6.2.1 Strategic plan documents
- 6.3.1 Policy document on the welfare measures
- 6.3.1 List of beneficiaries of welfare measures
- 6.3.1 Any other relevant document
- 6.3.5 Performance appraisal system
- 6.3.5 Any other relevant information
- 6.4.1 Resource mobilization policy document duly approved by college council/other administrative bodies
- 6.4.1 Procedure for optimal resource utilization
- 6.4.1 Any other relevant information
- 6.4.2 Documents pertaining to internal and external audits for the last year
- 6.4.2 Any other relevant information
- 6.5.1 The structure and mechanism for Internal quality assurance
- 6.5.1 Minutes of the IQAC meetings
- 6.5.1 Any other relevant information
- 6.5.3 Copies of aqar
- 7.1.2 Annual gender sensitization action plan
- 7.1.2 Specific facilities provided for women in terms of a,b &c
- 7.1.2 Any other relevant information
- 7.1.3 Geotagged photos
- 7.1.4 Relevant documents like agreements/MoUs
- 7.1.4 Geotagged photographs of the facilities
- 7.1.4 Any other relevant information
- 7.1.5 Geotagged photos/videos of the facilities
- 7.1.6 Geotagged photos/videos of the facilities if available
- 7.1.8 Supporting documents on the information provided
- 7.1.8 Any other relevant information
- 7.1.9 Weblink of the code of conduct
- 7.2.1 Best practices page in the institutional website
- 7.2.1 Any other relevant information
- 7.3.1 Appropriate webpage in the institutional website
- 7.3.1 Any other relevant information
- 8.1.4 Orientation circulars
- 8.1.4 Programme report
- 8.1.8 Report on the list and steps taken by the college to measure attainment of specific competencies
- 8.1.8 Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCE/OSPE
- 8.1.8 List of competencies
- 8.1.8 Any other relevant information
- 8.1.10 Dental graduate attributes as described in the website of the college
- 8.1.10 Any other relevant information
- 8.1.12 List of seminars/conferences/workshops on emerging trends in Dental Education Technology
- 8.1.12 List of teachers who participated in the seminars/conferences
- 8.1.12 Any other relevant information